Club Info
Hidden Valleys Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 620
Platteville, WI 53818
Call sign in parenthesis
- President: Kieth Amdahl (KE1THA)
- Vice President: Alvin Bontreger (KC9MCC)
- Secretary: Michael Chulafich (NG9B)
- Treasurer: Scott Onson (KD9GBJ)
- Directors:
- Dave Weber (KC9YEL)
- Dave Nix (W9FAA)
- Kent Scheuerell (K9ZMU)
Dues are paid on an annual basis. Send check or money order to HVARC Treasurer at the above address. Dues schedule as follows:
- Adult: $20
- Family: $25
- Student (K-12 or univ): $5
- Repeater donation $20 additional to above